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Computer Repair Las Vegas

Computer Repair Las Vegas. Indeed, I guess it goes without saying that in the future we will have online voting apps. Everyone will vote via their smart phone, tablet, laptop, desk top or smart TV, who knows maybe they can vote through their refrigerator since the Internet of Things is nearly upon us and 5G wireless is rounding the corner. With all this great technology, excuses for not voting go right out the window - but does that mean we should make voting mandatory? I think not, merely because I think voting is a right and you should have the right to not vote too. Let's talk.
You see, this issue came up recently at our think tank and a fellow thinker, Cody Hunt, stated:
"I think that if someone didn't want to vote on their phone they could send a text back that stops the flood of text messages."
Sure this makes sense like the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and their "DO NOT CALL" or "Do Not SPAM" lists. So, I do agree with Mr. Hunt, he's correct. Computer Repair Las Vegas. Perhaps one of the app features we agree should be to turn-it-off or perhaps just turn off certain poll category questions, like "bond issues" or "social issues" or "voting for people" - as some people do not have time to research those things, don't care, or don't trust any politician, of course one of the purposes or perhaps outcomes of this app would be to restore trust and accountability in government, so maybe long-term, there would be more opt-iners and less opt-outers, the goal would be 95% perhaps of voting age citizens.
What if we let non-voters, illegal aliens, VISA stayers vote too, but didn't count the votes only showed how that percentage voted, thus everyone could see what they believe they'd like as well, and why not let everyone with a smart phone vote in the same way like the 13-year olds but just tally the votes for all to see, but don't count them. I think that data is valuable too.
Cody states; "Yes, I think that once the government backs up one voting app many others will come out and try to make it big. It could create a whole new business field but really which ever one is backed up by the government should be the only one that really takeoff."
True, if the government had a voting app, it would reign supreme, but all Political PACs, Think Tanks, Special Interest Groups would want the same information to develop strategies, so you'd see a platform company fill that need, it would be a huge industry. Computer Repair Las Vegas.


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